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PAP: “I Will Deal Directly With The Delegates And Not With Any General Or Camp Leader”_Says Otuaro As He Meets Third Phase Generals
June 25, 2024

By Freeborn Abraye

The administrator of the Presidential Amnesty Programme, High Chief Dr. Dennis Brutu Otuaro, has today the 24Th June, 2024, held a meeting with the Third Phase Generals, Camp Leader and Stakeholders of the Presidential Amnesty Programme. The meeting which was an avenue for the Generals and Stakeholders to have a one on one conversation with the Administrator, on how to collectively forge ideas that will project the Amnesty Programme to greater heights, was a huge success. As Generals and Stakeholders who were present, freely expressed themselves, pointing out their grievances, frustration and displeasures for the past administrations of the Amnesty Programme.

During the meeting, Dr. Dennis Otuaro assured the Stakeholders that he is ready and willing to do everything within his powers to bring to fruition the earnest expectations of every Niger Deltan when it comes to the Amnesty Programme. He went on to inform the stakeholders that his administration will not deal with any General or Camp Leaser directly when it comes to issues that has to do with the delegates. Because this dealing directly with the Generals and Camp Leaders has created a rift between the Generals and their boys. Revealing that he currently has a large number of complaints regarding this particular issue on his desk. He as such, promised the delegates that he will directly deal with them and not with their Leaders. So that issue such as delegates names been shortchanged and other whose stipends were not paid in full by their Generals and Leaders will not come up again. One of the Stakeholders who was present in the meeting, General Bounanawei assured the Administrator that he will do everything he can to support him in achieving his vision for a better and well structured amnesty Programme.

General Bounanawei went on to reveal to the Administrator that the leaders and delegates of the third phase of the Amnesty Programme have been kept in bondage by the previous administrations. As he emphasized that since the establishment and inclusion of the third phase Generals into the Presidential Amnesty Programme after laying down their arms, the leaders have not been paid nor sent for training. As such urged the Administrator to use his good will and office to facilitate the payment and subsequent training of the Leaders. Another Stakeholder by the name Momo Wilberforce on his part, advised the Administrator to consider including those Niger Deltans who are currently in public institutions into the Amnesty Programme. Stating that as Niger Deltans, they have the right just like every other person to benefit from the Amnesty Programme, and not be treated as though they are outsiders.

He went further by saying that since the Amnesty Programme came into existence, the Administrators who have piloted it’s affairs have always portrayed it as a programme that is made for just those in private schools or institutions. Saying this narrative has disenfranchised many bonafide Sons and Daughters of the Niger Delta region from benefiting from the Programme. He as well emphasized that most of the persons benefiting from the programme did not contribute even a quarter of what many of those in public institutions contributed. On that note, says it is only fair for the Administrator to take a critical look into this matter and make adequate provisions for those in public institutions. So that they can also enjoy the benefits enjoyed by others.

Furthermore, Mr. Momo also used the avenue to charge Dr. Dennis Otuaro to take the issue of supervision of projects and contracts given out to individuals and firms seriously. Stating that due to lack of thorough supervision, most contractors have failed in their duties. As they usually use substandard materials and equipments to train the delay.