By Com. ‘Deji Adebayo

I know this is going to be thought-provoking for many readers who will read this lenghty article to the end but for those few who have risen beyond self-delusion, you will find the facts herein fortifying to your existing knowledge base and perception about life, money and marriage; your time reading through it certainly will not be a WASTE.

Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one’s own death. Some suicides are impulsive acts due to stress, such as from financial difficulties, troubles with relationships, or bullying.

Life is indeed ephemeral and everyone who has the opportunity to pass through it MUST have a purpose-driven or divine mission to accomplish. In the course of being human, certain indefatigable challenges are ineffable as we age and we as humans must learn to either live by it or above board to sail through life challenges without failing to accomplish life purposes or essence of being.

Many have committed the grave sin of SUICIDE every 40 seconds as the clock ticks. They choose to abort their own life mission prematurely either or not they have identified the divine assignment apportioned them by God; some not because they are poor, or ignorant, uninformed or not spiritually inclined but because they allow certain challenges in life to overcome them and override their perception about this world in which we dwell.

Do you think that MONEY is the big issue you have right now, then, I am proud to tell you that in this same bad economy of Nigeria and the falling economy of the entire world, countless people who had enough money to throw around and captains of industries cum political bigwigs have been reported in the news to have committed suicide for unknown reasons.

Taking a close look at the many inconclusive investigative cause of such heinous act from people who never knew how they came into this world but chose to end it abruptly, the frequent among the many reasons identified for such inglorious and barbaric act from mortals is MARITAL PROBLEMS from both the male and female gender.

Dear reader, may be due to your perception about marriage, you so much detest POLYGAMY at the detriment of your health (physical, mental, social and emotional wellbeing), then it is better you begin to retrace your steps in order to have PEACE and fulfilling life. As a bible reference, please read 1st Corinthians chapter 7 but lay more empasis on understanding these verses 2, 6, 9, 15, 17, 20, 23, 28, 33 39. Do note that there was no where Apostle Paul nor God commanded that it is a MUST to have ONE WIFE!

Ahab — He had 1 wife
Herod — He had 1 wife
Ananias — He had 1 wife
Pontius Pilate — He had 1 wife
Jeroboam — He had 1 wife
Nebuchadnezzar — He had 1 wife
Haman — He had 1 wife

As reported in the bible, they all lost their way and betrayed God.

1. Abraham — He had 3 wives
2. Jacob — He had 4 wives
3. David — He had 4 wives
4. Solomon — He had 700 wives and more concubines
5. Rehoboam — He had 18 wives
6. Abijah — He had 14 wives
7. Elkanah — He had 2 wives
8. Lamech — He had 2 wives

And they all found favour in the eyes of the Lord.

Okay, the above must be OLD TESTAMENT right? And you want us to go to the most striking part of the NEW TESTAMENT

Jesus — He had NO WIFE!
Paul —- He had NO WIFE!

Marriage and number of spouse is a choice provided you are CAPABLE of doing your responsibilities as a HUSBAND and a FATHER if there are children in each form of marraige you choose. Don’t let modern day preachers brainwash you. Even the disciples, their wife nor kind or size of family NEVER mattered, what mattered most was their SALVATION and MINISTRY; and that was why APOSTLE PAUL’s concession for Christains who can CONTROL SELF was to remain a VIRGIN or UNMARRIED and if you know you can’t control self, GO AND MARRY…. do note that number of spouse(s) was not stated in the bible as WRONG but bestiality and other forms of wrong sexual intercourses were rightly stated in the bible read Exodus 22 for more details.

In recent times, we have seen several kinds of suicide committed by frustrated persons who are financially hopeless yet we have also recorded countless form of suicide even from the well to do residing in mansions in Lekki and Victoria Island which is the Lagos base of notable Nigerians. This simply infers that there is MORE TO LIFE than wealth or poverty, PEACE at home and marriage is VERY IMPORTANT and cannot be substituted for ANYTHING whatsoever, that’s the WISDOM FOR LIVING which this article teaches.

Special Read:
1st Corinthians 7: 36 addresses SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE while verse 15b of the same chapter says “God has called us to live in PEACE”. That’s the most important part of that bible chapter.

The trending news in Nigeria now since CHIVIDO ’24 becomes stale is the news of the suicide committed by former Konga CEO and current D.light Solar power Group MD, Late Nick Imudia few days ago. He was aged 45. I recall the female Bank Executive who also committed suicide for marital relationship or related issues years back. Do you remember the ace gospel musician who died recently, SAMMIE OKPOSO among other cases of undisclosed suicides across Nigeria perhaps because they are not top shot like these ones.

know it that Life is more than mere accruing wealth and/or money; to become fulfilled, pursue life purpose with passion and PEACE, that is what matters most in life.

This is a WAKE UP call!

Pls share to rescue a soul…