Poor Conduct Cost Me Transfer To Arsenal, Man Utd – Ex Super Eagles Star Warns Osimhen After Attack

Former Super Eagles defender Taribo West has warned Victor Osimhen about the dangers of poor conduct after the striker’s recent verbal attack on former coach Finidi George according to OwnGoalNigeria. West, who had a storied career with the national team, revealed that his own behavior on the pitch cost him potential transfers to top clubs like Arsenal and Manchester United. View pictures in App save up to 80% data. In an interview on radio, West recalled an incident where he threw his jersey at his coach, Mircea Lucescu, during a game, which he believes harmed his reputation and deterred top clubs from pursuing him. “I was affected by it, and I wouldn’t want him (Osimhen) to experience the same thing,” West said....CONTINUE READING

West’s warning comes after Osimhen took to social media to criticize Finidi George, who had questioned his commitment to the national team. While Osimhen has since deleted the post, West believes the damage may already be done. “Your character can close your door,” West cautioned. “He should calm his head down because there is life after football. West’s advice stems from his own experience, where he believes his behavior on the pitch led to missed opportunities. “I threw my jersey at my coach, and it cost me a move to Arsenal,” West revealed. “Same with Manchester United. Sir Alex Ferguson didn’t want me because of that incident. As Osimhen prepares for a potential summer transfer, West’s warning serves as a reminder that conduct on and off the pitch matters. With top clubs scouting for talent, any perceived character issues may harm a player’s chances of securing a dream move.